Haunted Queen Mary: History, Ghosts and Legends

Explore the eerie tales and historical secrets of the Queen Mary, one of the most haunted places in the world. We went to Long Beach California and investigated ourselves. In this video essay, we delve into the ship’s ghostly encounters, mysterious events, and rich history that have captivated paranormal enthusiasts for decades. From its time as a luxury ocean liner to its service during World War II, discover why the Queen Mary is considered a paranormal hotspot. Join us for a spine-tingling escapade through the haunted halls of this legendary ship.

Brittany Murphy – Estes Method DIY Radio Avoids Stations

Respectfully visiting Brittany Murphy’s grave at Forest Lawn, Los Angeles. Our first attempt at the Estes Method, using a spirit radio which we built and programmed to detect and skip over stations, while scanning through them quickly. This noise is all that J9 can hear as she closes her eyes and concentrates, while Woz asks questions. We speculate this may not only assist her mediumship through Pareidolia, but also that we may hear phrases that span stations mysteriously audible.

+ How to build your own DIY Smart Station-Avoiding Spirit Radio, with no soldering required 📻

Oddities Store Paranormal Investigation – Cemetery Pulp Las Vegas

Thank you Cemetery Pulp, for allowing us to test our latest gadgets, including what is basically the guts of a digital scale, hooked up to a tiny computer that we programmed to detect a touch on either the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ side. Guided by the notorious intuition of J9 and her mediumship, we tracked down the most haunted oddities in the store, and decoded a tale. Vintage medical equipment frequently draws our attention on these ghost hunts. The noisiest objects to beckon to us on this night were a pair of child’s orthopedic shoes.