Paranormal Sensor Station

This device simplifies the process of identifying and cataloging high-sensitivity sensor data that may be influenced by unseen entities in response to questions or commands. Multiple external sensors are available, as well as a built-in accelerometer. A bright red LED blinks and the unit makes a beep sound when a sensor reading exceeds the alert threshold. Sensor history is continuously reflected in real-time on-screen histograms. Data from multiple units can be gathered via one mobile device with our Bluetooth app, or over WiFi via a web interface (soon to be available in an upcoming firmware version).

📟 Check it out here!

Nightmare Before Xmás Pop-Up Bar

Easily among the best street tacos in Vegas. Check out this secret pop-up bar deep in the back of Mas Por Favor Taqueria y Tequila. Reservations fill up fast at this speak-easy themed after Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Lonely Umbrella, a Paranormal Investigation of Photo Bang Bang

This horror-themed photography studio contains vintage medical equipment that predates anesthesia, as well as antique furniture and accessories that have survived generations. This is the first episode testing the VNA, which detects movement between two antennas and displays the change in frequency response on a spectrograph. With J9’s abilities, and using an array of Woz’s devices, intelligent communication takes place with invisible entities. This is part two in an ongoing series where Two Faces Paranormal investigates reports of haunted activity in the oldest parts of the Downtown Las Vegas NV Arts District. Interacting with spirits, J9 determines the degree to which these 100+ year old antiques are haunted.

Special thanks to Curtis Walker and Photo Bang Bang

P L E A S E S U B S C R I B E 📺

Jason Hawes of Ghost Hunters

Jason Hawes from Ghost Hunters joins us for a very inspiring discussion. His advice is priceless. Follow the link in our bio to catch the full interview on YouTube, and please subscribe for more exciting paranormal investigations. Don’t miss the return of TAPS with new episodes of Ghost Hunters October 1st on Travel Channel and Discovery +.

Portrait of Janet, a Paranormal Investigation of Downtown Spaces

With J9’s abilities, and using an array of Woz’s devices, intelligent communication takes place with an invisible entity. Two Faces Podcast Investigates reports of paranormal activity at Naked City Audio in Downtown Spaces, part of the old Las Vegas NV Arts District. Interacting with spirits, J9 determines the degree to which this 50+ year old office complex is haunted.

Special thanks to John Kiehlbauch and Naked City Audio

Watch uncut footage of our most compelling communication session from this video in real-time here.